
最強對最強!超高畫素相機集評 Canon EOS 5DS R、Nikon D810、Sony A7RII Full Comparison

發佈日期: 2015-10-30





In an age where the typical camera resolution has just reached to be about 10 megapixels, a camera with 30 megapixels is considered to be used only by those in the professional field. In the past, we knew very little about these cameras, their brands were often unheard of and were also unimaginably expensive. It wasn’t until the year of 2012 that Nikon stepped into the market and released the D800 series, a camera that was both professional and more cost-effective. In February of 2015, this monumental camera finally met its opponent, the Canon 5DSR, a professional camera with a resolution that directly skyrocketed to 50 megapixels. In the same year of July, Sony issued A7RII, also with a high resolution of 40 megapixels. All three of these cameras are known for their excellent image quality and advanced technology, and so we are here to make a comparison. 

It is a rare opportunity to be able to write a review about three top quality cameras at the same time, and knowing the internet has little reviews covering the same topic, I have decided to write in both English and Chinese, hoping to be able to share my results with people outside of Taiwan.


Canon 5DS R


We have just talked about 5DSR in the middle of September. 50.3 megapixel design made it becomes the top resolution among DSLR. 5DSR is actually brother of 5DS, both of them have 50.3 megapixels, inherit the ultimate 61 point AF system from 1DX and iTR Af tracking system. To decrease the blurring made from reflex mirror, 5DS series adopted Mirror Vibration Control System and mirror lockup. Every function they put into this camera is to unleash 5DSR's best image quality.

Nikon D810

要說到超高畫素的始祖,那就不能不提到Nikon D800/D800E兩台相機。這是第一款突破三千萬畫素的全片幅數位單眼相機。而且Nikon除了把畫素提到前所未有的高以外,同時還加入了「移除低通濾鏡」的功能,讓3600萬畫素的畫質更清晰銳利,這兩項在當時2012年獨步全球的技術,也掀起了一股超高畫素與移除低通濾鏡的風潮。


這是本次集評中最老的一台機子,D810發表於2014年6月,在當時,它仍繼承著D800/D800E的3635萬畫素強大優勢,穩畫素王者的寶座。加上消除低通濾鏡成功地提高畫質,在當時,這就是你最接近中片幅專業數位相機的唯一選擇,而且還有繼承自D4S系列的Advanced Multi-CAM 3500FX對焦系統,以及單顆電池可拍1200張相片的超強續航力,D810的等級就是定位在專業的機種。

Sony A7RII

DXO Mark在他們網站說道:「A7RII擁有我們所見過最好的感光元件」,僅以1分之差擊敗D810。A7RII雖然不是三款相機中畫素最高的相機,但4240萬畫素也足夠有問鼎專業市場的資格了。A7RII有別於其他兩家老相機廠的傳統做法,在功能的運用上就新穎很多,例如另外兩台都沒有的機身防手震,可以達到4.5級的手震補償效果;還有超過FullHD 4倍解析度的4K錄影功能,以及取消低通濾鏡,拒絕讓Canon與Nikon專美於前。

而且你知道嗎?Sony在10/19的時候發表了V2.00版的韌體,支援無壓縮的14 bit格式,而且長時間曝光的雜訊會更低,這是A7RII的重大更新。而10月19日剛好就是我把所有照片拍完還給廠商的日子,這個新版韌體的消息讓我差點當場心臟病發作,因為這代表我的照片必需要重拍、比較圖要重做...所以這篇大概也是目前網路上唯一一篇有2.0版本韌體的A7RII比較文了。

DXO Mark has written on their website that "the Sony A7RII has the most impressive sensor performance that we’ve seen to date", beat by the D810 by just a tad. Though it is not the highest resolution of the three, its 42.4M pixels is certainly good enough to enter the professional market. With the new features like 4.5 stop Steady Shot in camera, 4K resolution video, and ISO102,400, Sony takes a different approach to compete with its rivals, refusing to let Canon and Nikon take first place in this ultra-high resolution war.

And you know what? On October 19, 2015, Sony issued a V2.00 firmware which can unlock the 14 bit uncompressed RAW and lower the noise during long exposure. This firmware will make the A7RII reach its full potential. BUT this release date was also the same day I had finished all my preparation for writing this article. Having just returned the A7RII back to Sony that day, hearing this news almost gave me a heart attack because it meant I had to do everything ALL over again (take pictures, remake comparison graphs, etc). Thanks alot Sony (OMG). On the bright side, it also means that this review is probably the first and only comparison that discusses A7RII with its V2.00 firmware, so enjoy! 


Canon 5DSR Nikon D810 Sony A7RII
Release Time
2015/02 2014/01 2015/07
Sensor Type
Sensor Size
24 x 36mm 24 x 35.9mm 24 x 35.9mm
Low Pass Filter
No No No
Effective Pixels
8736 x 5856 7380 x 4928 8000 x 5320
Bit per Pixel
14bit 14bit 14bit
Uncompressed RAW
NO Yes Yes
Image Processor
Viewfinder Type
Viewfinder Coverage
100% 100% 100%
Viewfinder Magnification
0.71x 0.7x 0.78x
Storage Media
CF x 1
SD x 1
CF x 1 
SD x 1
MS/SD x 1
Frame Rate
5fps 5fps 5fps
Shutter Speed Range
30s - 1/8000s 30s - 1/8000s 30s - 1/8000s
E-Shutter Range
None 30s - 1/2000s 30s-1/8000s
None Yes Yes
Shutter Lag
0.059 0.052 Unknown
Exposure Compensation
+/- 5EV +/- 5EV +/- 5EV
In-Camera Vibration Reduction
None None 4.5 Stop
ISO Latitude
100-6400 64-12800 100-25600
Extend ISO Latitude
50-12800 32-51200 50-102400
Autofocus System
相位 / 對比式
Phase / Contrast
相位 / 對比式
Phase / Contrast
相位 + 對比式
Phase + Contrast
AF Working Range
-2 ~ +18EV -2 ~ +19EV -2 ~ +20EV
Phase AF Point
61 51 399
Contrast AF Point
0 0 25
Built In Flash
None Yes None
Sync Speed
1/200 1/320s 1/250
Video File Output
Video Codec
H.264 H.264 / MPEG-4 H.264 / AVCHD / MPEG-4
Maximum Format Video
Full HD
1920 x 1080, 30fps
Full HD
1920 x 1080, 60fps
3840 x 2160, 30fps
Moniter Size
3.2" 3.2" 3.0"
Moniter Pixel
1,040K dot 1,229K dot 1,228K dot
Touch Screen
None None None
Tillable Screen
None None 107° Upward
41° Downward
Built In Wifi
None None YES
Battery Life
700 1200 Shot 340 Shot
USB Type
3.0 3.0 2.0
Weight (Body Only)
845g 880g 582g


All right. I think we've found three of the best cameras ever, but it’s impossible to shoot without a lens. So it is crucial to choose a fair, top quality lens to make every camera reach their top performance and not be affected by the lens' defect. But every camera company makes their lenses, and these lenses are customized for their own cameras. Every lens product claims that their lens offers the best sharpness, but we all know that each lens has a different quality. So how should I choose?

Zeiss Otus Distagon 1.4/55

很簡單,我們找一間專做鏡頭給其他相機廠牌的公司就好了。沒錯,我們找來的對照組是目前最強的Zeiss Otus 1.4/55,這顆鏡頭的價格比這三台相機都還要高,而且它也是公認畫質最好的鏡頭,DXO Mark指出它分數是45分,而Canon 50mm f/1.2L與Nikon 58mm f/1.4這兩顆畫質公認不錯的鏡頭,也分別只有26分與24分,加上小編也有實際體驗過它的魔力,在光圈全開f/1.4的情況下,畫面中央與f/7.1縮光圈的表現完全相同,是一款表現力非常可怕的鏡頭。Otus的確是真強者,所以我們用它來展示這三款超高畫素的相機應該是最好的選擇。而Otus有兩個接環,分別是ZE(Canon EF)與ZF.2(Nikon F)兩種,而A7RII我就使用A轉EF的Metabones接環。


It's easy. We just need to find a company that produces lenses for other cameras. That’s right, we chose the Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 APO Distagon. The price of this lense itself is even higher than any of the three cameras in this review, and it’s acknowledged to be the best lens in the world today. I wrote a review about this lens before. Its sharpness in aperture wide open is the same as aperture in f/7.1, which is phenomenal. I've never seen any lens like that. I believe the topnotch Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 is the best choice to bring out the performance of 5DSR, D810 and A7RII. Otus has two types of mount: ZE(Canon EF mount) and ZF.2(Nikon F mount). I used Metabones A mount to EF mount adapter for A7RII. 

Oh, there's one other thing I need to tell you. If you want to use A7RII + Metabones + Zeiss Otus you will have to update Metabones firmware to the latest version, or the camera won't take any pictures after you release the shutter. If you have encountered this problem, please check your firmware of Metabones' version. 


喔還有,Steady Shot功能在我上腳架的時候一定會關閉。

The purpose of this comparison is to unleash every camera's performance. To make all comparison standards the same, I will shoot using the largest RAW + JPEG files with the same aperture, same white balance, and turn off the Light Optimizer / Active D-Lighting / Dynamic Range Optimizer , Vignette Control, Distortion Control and so on. Trying look into the utmost original camera's performance. The Picture Control / Picture Style / Creative Style set to [Portrait] when I shoot portrait, others: [Standard].

In terms of ISO comparison, I chose ISO100 as the base sensitivity. Although the Nikon D810 has the lowest native ISO64(the other two are ISO100), I still chose ISO100 mainly for standardization. 

By the way, Steady Shot will always turn off whenever I use a tripod. 


◉ Part 1 人像-第一組 PORTRAIT-I

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/4 1/125s 5000K 

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/4 1/125s 5000K 

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/4 1/125s 5000K 

第一件,也是最重要的一件需要告訴各位。Nikon D810在與另外兩台相機用完全相同的曝光數值拍攝的條件下,畫面的亮度會亮約0.7EV,這並不是我這台D810出了狀況,在過去小編寫【中階DSLR終極之戰】Canon 70D VS Nikon D7100的時候就已經發現了,只是這次Canon與Sony的亮度相近,但到底是Nikon亮0.7EV,或者可以說是Canon與Sony暗了0.7EV,沒人說得準。但令人玩味的一點是,這0.7EV的差距,剛好足夠讓Nikon從ISO100降到它的最低原生ISO,也就是ISO64。意思就是說,如果D810使用ISO64的話,可以跟5DSR與A7RII使用完全相同的光圈與快門,拍攝出來的亮度將會非常接近。


First, and most importantly, the D810 will be brighter than the other two by about 0.7EV when we use the Zeiss Otus lens. I don’t think this problem is caused by the D810 itself, because I've found this when I wrote Canon 70D VS Nikon D7100. But this time, 5DSR and A7RII have the same brightness under the same ISO, shutter & aperture. What I’m not sure though, is that is it Nikon is brighter by 0.7EV? Or is it that Canon and Sony are darker by 0.7EV? We’ll never be certain for sure. But what’s interesting is, this 0.7EV difference is enough to decrease Nikon’s ISO100 to its lowest original ISO, which is ISO64. Which, in turn means, that if you set Nikon at ISO64 and set the other two at ISO100, you'll get similar brightness under the same exposure setting (when using the Zeiss Otus). 

You can also tell that the pictures taken by Canon are always reddish in color throughout this entire article. Even though I’ve set every white balance to the same K level and it stays 0 in every color balance, the picture of the 5DSR still tends to be redder in comparison. This is the basic tone of Canon(as you can tell from their logo). We can see that the model’s hair in the picture taken by the 5DSR is reddish-brown, while the model’s hair in the picture taken by the A7RII is a beautiful bright brown. Not to say red is bad, though, I'm sure alot of people love this color, because it adds life and energy to skin tone, which is very acceptable in Asian culture. 

◉ Part 2 人像-第二組 PORTRAIT-II

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/4 1/100s 5000K 

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/4 1/100s 5260K 

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/4 1/100s 5000K 

在這組相片中在畫面的左方使用了一盞Profoto B1,並且加上一把大傘,來讓光線完整的包覆在模特兒身上,然後左邊還有一支Profoto B2,對著牆面打跳燈,反射到模特兒的左邊。

◉ Part 3 人像-第三組 PORTRAIT-III

Canon 5DSR + 24-70mm f/4L ISO160 24mm f/5.6 1/160s 6000K

Nikon D810 + 24-70mm f/2.8E VR 24mm ISO100 f/5.6 1/100s 6000K

Sony A7RII + LA-EA4 + SAL2470Z2 24mm ISO100 f/5.6 1/100s 6000K

抱歉,我Canon的感光度設定錯了,應該是要ISO100我卻設定成ISO160,但快門速度也意外的設定成1/160s了,所以在亮度上來說是跟ISO100 1/100s完全一樣的。但因為三台相機所使用的閃燈(Profoto B1)出力完全相同,閃光燈的亮度不會受到快門速度影響,畫面的亮度只會被感光度與光圈改變,所以Canon的相片依然會比另外兩台來的亮0.7EV。

白平衡完全是固定的,所以你也可以從這裡看到Canon的色彩偏向紅色,即便它在洋紅與綠色之間的設定是0,但跟另外兩台相機相比一樣是偏紅色。同時你也可以看到,純白色的Profoto B1打出來的光線,在同樣是設定為6000K的條件下,Nikon在畫面右側牆上的光線是偏黃色,而Sony的則還比較偏向白色。

I'll have to apologize for a mistake I made: I set the ISO sensitivity wrong for 5DSR. I set it at ISO 160 when it should have been at ISO100. But, I also set shutter speed to 1/160s, so in terms of brightness it is the same as ISO 100 1/100s. But since all three cameras use the same flash system (Profoto B1), the brightness of the flash is not effected by shutter speed, and the brightness of the picture is only effected by light and aperture, so Canon's pictures will also be brighter than the other two by 0.7EV. 

So you'll find that the light on the model and wall at the right are brighter than D810 and A7RII, but brightness of other places stay the same. 

◉ Part 4 人像-第四組 PORTRAIT-IV

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/2.8 1/125s 5000K

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/2.8 1/125s 5000K

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/2.8 1/125s 5000K


In this group of pictures, you can see that Canon appears redder, Nikon appears more yellow, while Sony remains a moderate color.


◉ Part 5 暗部對焦速度 FOCUSING IN DIM LIGHT 

這是現場的實際亮度,我用一支Profoto B1在右邊開了一盞出力20%的模擬燈,為了讓畫面中的對比度更低、對焦更困難一些,我把B1朝著玻璃反射,以增加對焦的難度,這樣我們就能看出鑑別度,在這種艱困的環境下依然能夠對焦的是哪台相機。而且,我故意把對焦輔助燈關掉,藉此才能夠看出對焦系統原始的表現。


鏡頭的部分,由於Otus是手動對焦,所以我使用統一使用它們自家的35mm f/1.4,原因有二:
1. 這是自動對焦鏡頭,而且三者的對焦速度都不錯。
2. f/1.4可以盡可能的獲取最大亮度來對焦

This is the actual brightness at the photo setting. I used a Profoto B1 to set up a model lamp at 20%. To make it harder to focus, I turned the Profoto B1 towards the glass, and used only its reflection to light up the subject, trying to lower the contrast so that we can see which camera can still focus correctly under harsh conditions. 

By the way, I focused by continuously semi-presssing the shutter button and pressed the button again right after I heard the focus beep from camera. If focus failed, I skipped and tried once more so I can determine which camera has better performance by the frequency of beeping.

As for the lense, since Otus uses manual focusing, I used their 35mm f/1.4 for two reasons: . 
1. These are autofocus lenses, and the focus speed is good.
2. An aperture of f/1.4 can recieve maximum light for focusing

Canon 5DSR + 35mm f/1.4L

Nikon D810 + 35mm f/1.4G


Canon and Nikon both use the "traditional" DSLR way to focus, which means using an optical viewfinder and phase detecting point. Although the pentaprism inside the optical viewfinder has a good transmittance, it still diminishes the brightness of the picture, causing the already dark object even harder to see (and with an iPhone6 it almost completely cannot be seen). Canon and Nikon can only focus in the brightest area, located on the sides of the faces of the two musicians, but it was still a difficult task to focus. If we move the focus point to a darker area, focusing becomes even more difficult. I think the luminance in this scene is more than what the Canon and Nikon's focusing system can handle.

Sony A7RII + 35mm f/1.4ZA


很強對吧?無論在亮或者是暗的地方,A7RII都能夠輕鬆的應付,遠遠的超過Canon與Nikon的表現。原先在5DSR與D810觀景窗中的暗處,在A7RII中所有的細節都跑了出來。而在這種陰暗處依然能夠對焦的功臣,我想最大要歸功於A7RII那399個相位對焦點,以及25點對比式對焦點,在全時都是Live View情況下的A7RII,可以在任何情況下發揮這424個對焦點的功能。

Attention! The brightness from the electronic viewfinder is not the real brightness. This is the brightness that is processed by A7RII, but in reality, it is much much darker. 

Isn’t that amazing? A7RII can easily focus no matter if it's bright or dark, a feature that wins both the Canon and Nikon. It's a piece of cake for Sony to focus in such low light. All the details in the dark show up in A7RII's viewfinder and make it very easy to focus. You can even focus in the extremely dark areas such as he musician's pants. I think this feature should be attributed to A7RII's 399 phase detection + 25 contrast detection points. These 424 focus points can work simultaneously under Live View mode which A7RII can always turn on. But phase and contrast detection point could only work separately under normal or Live View mode in 5DSR and D810.




對焦點數的選擇設定都是多點對焦,Canon 5DSR為自動對焦點擴展(中間一點,旁邊四點為輔助對焦)、Nikon D810為動態區域AF-9點(中間一點為主,四周八點為輔)、Sony A7RII則是擴充彈性定點(Expand Flexible Spot,中間一點為主,四周八點為輔)。會選擇這種對焦模式的原因,是因為這是汽車板編輯使用Canon與Nikon相機拍車的經驗,而Sony的設定則是Sony講師的建議,就經驗來說,點數越少對焦速度越快,因為相機要計算的資訊更少,因此更能夠快速的反應在對焦速度上,理論上來說單點的速度一定最快,但單一個點的範圍太小,很容易對焦對到其他地方去,所以我會選擇以一點為主、四周數個點為輔的擴充點對焦,算是一個對焦速度與人類失誤之間的平衡點。並且全部都設定為快門釋放優先。

使用的器材,Canon使用70-200mm f/2.8 L II IS(小白II)、Nikon使用70-200mm f/2.8G VR(小黑六)、Sony則是70-200mm f/4G OSS,三顆鏡頭都是相同焦段的望遠鏡頭,對焦速度與畫質都是各家廠商在同焦段下最好的。


Although these three cameras are designed for people who really care about image quality, Canon, Nikon and Sony still integrate a good AF system into their cameras.

I asked my colleague, who's in charge of writing car reviews, to drive at the speed of 100km/h (62miles/h). We choose a slightly curved road in a suburban area of Taipei and made sure there were no vehicles on the road. During testing we used shutter priority and 1/2000s to freeze the speed of the car, and set to 5fps burst mode and AF-C on all cameras. Each camera used a normal setting for AF tracking.

My colleague suggested I use multi point AF when tracking vehicles. With 5DSR I chose [Expand AF Area (5 point)], with Nikon I chose [Dynamic AF 9 point], and with Sony I chose [Expand Flexible Spot]. The more points you use to focus, the more data a camera needs to calculate, which makes it slower to focus. So we used less AF points to make the camera have more resources to process the focus data. When using only one AF point, the photographer may not be able to put the focus point right in the exact place. Using an expanded AF point is the balance between lifting up focus speed and decreasing human mistake.

The gear I used:
Canon 5DSR + 70-200mm f/2.8 L II IS
Nikon D810 + 70-200mm f/2.8G VR
Sony A7RII + 70-200mm f/4G OSS

These lenses own the best image quality and focusing speed under the same focal length. I think they are the best lenses for testing AF tracking.

Let's take a look at the situation in the viewfinder first. Note that the pictures I took in the video below are not the pictures we are using to compare. The videos below are just let you to see the situation when I execute the AF tracking part. These three videos are mainly for you to compare the size and information of the viewfinder, shutter sound, burst speed, focus reaction and the time of black screen. 

Canon 5DSR 

Nikon D810

Sony A7RII


I asked my colleague to drive back and forth for 5 times. 5 times for each camera, which meant 15 times in total! (He hated driving after that) I chose the best one from 5 groups, and then chose 10 consecutive pictures from it. The focus distances have to be similar between three cameras so that we can compare under the same standards. Let's see the results:


Please click to open the original file, the full sharpness cannot be shown on this page.



What we need to take note of is that the picture of the 5DSR was taken at a different time, about 2 hours after Nikon and Sony. I had made a stupid mistake in setting the Canon at one point AF. It was not until 2 hours later that I realized my mistake so we had to drive back and redo it all again. You can see that the shadow in 5DSR are not the same as Nikon and Sony. 

If we view this from high standards, we can see that Nikon can still focus 8 out of 10 frames. 5DSR was very close to D810, but just a little out of focus in some parts of the picture. Just a little. The 5DSR can be seen in focus if it has fewer pixels. A7RII, though, only has about 4 frames in focus, and some of others were still trying to "catch up". The reason why A7RII couldn't focus like the other two might be the lens I used. Sony has not released any E-mount 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. So the result might be similar to Canon & Nikon if there ever is a f/2.8 lens coming out in the future, and until then we probably won't be able to see the full AF tracking performance of Sony A7RII.


這個部分並沒有高低之分,我想讓各位看看三台相機在拍攝時以及拍攝結束後儲存時間的表現。我使用的記憶卡是Sandisk 32GB 95MB/s UHS-1 U3,每一次拍完照片都會格式化,以確保不會有任何檔案影響儲存的時間。

Part 7 represents the writing performance while the camera is being used on taking pictures and right after the shooting stopped for each camera. The Sandisk 32GB 95MB/s UHS-I U3 SD card was leveraged for the test, and 
the card is (was) formatted every time before the test started to keep the variance the same.

Canon 5DSR


5DSR continuously took 14 frames at the same speed. In this video, 5DSR took 17 pictures in total and 12 second in data writing. 1.3 second in average data writing time. 

Nikon D810


20 frames shoot consecutively in 5fps by D810. Took 23 sec in data writing, 1.9 frames per sec in average.

Sony A7RII


Sony A7RII can continuously take 10 pictures with the same speed. The whole process time is 23 seconds beginning from the shooting through those 10 frames stored into SD card. In average, it takes 0.96 second to save a file with uncompressed RAW format to the SD card.


Videos of three cameras were taken in the exact same place so you can compare their sizes in these footages. The A7RII is evidently much smaller than the other two, and it's much more convenient for the photographer to carry around than 5DSR or D810.


I won't judge the shutter sound because everyone has their own opinions about that, but you should listen to their differences, since the A7RII has an exceptionally different shutter sound from the original DSLR. These three videos were taken by same camera and at the same place. You can tell that the volume of the D810 shutter sound is louder than others. And as a DSLR, 5DSR has a lower volume since it has improved the shutter and reflex mirror system by integrating an up/down cam to control the reflex mirror that reduces the vibration and volume simultaneously.


在畫質的比較上面,每一項都有使用腳架,我使用的是碳纖維大型腳架,加上可乘載5公斤的Novoflex CB2雲台,並且使用同一個型號的快拆板,每台相機都有一片獨立的快拆板,這樣我做起事來才快,不需要換一台相機就拆一次板子。也可以確保每次拍攝都是完全一樣的。拍攝時使用倒數計時快門,通常設定為10秒左右。如果腳架架的特別高,我會拉到20秒,徹底杜絕震動的產生。

在快門的震動抑制上,由於三台相機都是超高畫素的設計,所以在機身上就會有抑制機身震動的設定。但各台機器各有不同。Canon 5DSR我設定為「按下後2秒拍攝」、Nikon設定為「曝光延遲模式:3秒」、Sony則設定為「電子式前簾快門」。Nikon D810雖然有電子前簾快門,但它只有在反光鏡鎖上的模式(無法使用倒數計時)下才能進行,意思就是說只有在使用快門線,或者手按快門的條件下才能開啟電子前簾快門。而我沒有電子快門線,而我也不相信用手按快門的方式可以減少震動,所以退而求其次,選擇「曝光延遲模式」。而A7RII使用「電子前簾快門」而不是「靜音拍攝」的原因是,我看到DPReview說A7RII在開啟靜音快門後拍攝的RAW檔會從14bit降成12bit,雖然減少震動重要,但在與畫質牴觸的前提之下,減少震動可以透過多拍攝幾張照片來解決。

對焦的方式上,完全是使用Live View對焦,因為5DSR與D810相對於Live View精確地放大來對焦的話,使用觀景窗的合焦指示燈的Range實在是太大了,使用Live View放大畫面來對焦的準確度可以遠遠地超過觀景窗,而且A7RII有峰值對焦可以使用,非常方便。

In every scene I used a big size carbon fiber tripod added with a Novoflex CB2 cradle head. Every camera was loaded with the same quick shoe model, and each camera had its own individual quick shoe, which made my job easier without having to change it from time to time. When using the timer the time was set at 10 seconds. If the tripod was very high I would extend the time to 20 seconds to avoid any vibrations.

Since these cameras are designed for ultra-high resolution, they all have settings that can inhibit vibrations, but these settings vary between different cameras. With the Canon I used the [Shoot after 2 sec] setting, the Nikon D810 I used the [Shutter Delay Mode: 3sec], and with the Sony A7RII I used [e-Front Curtain Shut]. Although Nikon D810 has an electronic first curtain mode, but it can only be used under Mirror-Up mode, which cannot be used with Countdown Timer function at the same time. It means that there is no way to release the shutter without using the shutter cable or my finger. Under the circumstances of not believing my finger and not having a cable release, I chose [Shutter Delay Mode: 3sec].

The reason why I used [e-Front Curtain Shut] instead of [Silent Shooting] is that [Silent Shooting] would downgrade the RAW files from 14 bit to 12 bit. Although reducing shutter vibration is important, image quality is still more crucial. 

I used Live View to focus instead of focusing by looking at the focus index light inside the optical viewfinder. It is much more precise to focus by magnifying the image when using Live View. A7RII even has the peaking to assist you to focus more easily.


◉ Part 8 銳利度-1 SHARPNESS-I

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/250s 5500K

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/400s 5500K

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55  ISO100 f/8 1/250s 5500K



I crop 640 x 1080 pixels in the center. Focus right in the middle of the picture(the up-right corner at the pictures above). You still can see that Nikon is more yellow than other two cameras. 

Maybe this building was too far away from the camera, causing the heat in the air makes the image blur. Let's make it closer to subject!

◉ Part 9 銳利度-2 SHARPNESS-II


The pictures in last part was took at around 2PM, convection make the pictures blur were still strong. Let's change to evening and takes a closer distance.

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/60s 6000K

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/60s 5880K

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/60s 6000K



Even though we've decrease the problem of the air, it is still not so easy to compare the sharpness of three cameras. Because every one of them could shows every line with sharp details. If there's somebody waving his hand in the top of the building, then all of the three cameras could clearly shows that. The difference only lies in the size of that people.

If you watch it very closely. you would found there's an area at the lower place, which has a moiré and false color in the picture, especially A7RII. D810 has moiré only. 5DSR has none of it. 

◉ Part 10 銳利度-3 SHARPNESS-3

前面我們拍美美的模特兒,但那是在依然有環境光的條件下完成的。這裡我們要做的,是完完全全的使用人造光源,徹底的屏除一切人為的自然光會造成的影響。把相機上腳架、使用Live View對焦,並且要求模特兒必須要站在完全相同的位置,用最高的標準來比較三台相機的差異。

這組測試裡我使用Profoto B1與B2兩支棚燈,B1是一盞500瓦的攜帶式電池閃光燈,而B2則是250瓦,我想專業的棚燈器材能夠獲得最穩定的光源輸出。但由於D810的亮度「在目測上」會比其他兩台亮0.7EV,但為了維持完全相同的光圈,我決定以調整棚燈的輸出來讓三張相片獲得完全相同的亮度。B1與B2使用全手動模式,三台相機也用完全相同的單點觸發器Air Remote,這是三台相機都可以使用的(因為我發現到A7RII接了Air Remote for Canon會無法觸發)。B1在Canon與Sony的出力設定為6.0,B2為5.0;換到Nikon的時候就變成了5.3與4.3,這是Profoto加0.7EV亮度的標準做法。而B1的位置在小威的右前方1公尺,並且有上一個Umbrella Deep Silver M,B2則是在他左邊約3公尺,沒有裝塑光配件。我們來看看實際的效果如何:

Now we want to use the flashlight only, eliminate all the light source form the scene. Use a tripod, focus by Live View, and ask our model to stand at the exact place. Use the highest standard to make a comparison.

We use the Profoto B1 and B2 studio light. Under the circumstance of D810 will always brighter 0.7EV than Canon and Sony. We decide to adjust B1 & B2's output to make three cameras could use the same aperture/ISO/shutter speed under same brightness. When we use Canon and Sony, B1 set 6.0 and 5.0, use Nikon, set 5.3 and 4.3. The Profoto B1 equipped with a Umbrella Deep Silver M located in the right front of Wayne's face, B2 was in his left. Let's see how's the image quality goes.

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/125s 5500K 

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/160s 5500K

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/160s 5500K


Despite the white balance were exactly the same. There's a slightly difference in skin color. the wall behind Wayne were gray. 5DSR tend to be reddish, D810 yellow, and A7RII was kind of greenish in color on the background. 


Concerning to sharpness, all the cameras could show the whole detail of Wayne's face, even those detail he don't want you to be seen has appeared. We can also see that the image between 30, 40, 50 megapixels doesn't make a huge difference in size. But if you wanna show the utmost details of your subject, 5DSR will always the best choice.


Let's take a look at another example. The light setting were not as rigorous as former part, I didn't adjust the flashlight output for D810, so it'll be brighter for sure. 

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/5.6 1/125s 5000K

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/5.6 1/125s 5000K

Sony A7RII + Metabones Ef Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/5.6 1/125s 5000K


Every picture looks so sharp. Even the slightest details could show. But the eyebrows in Sony's picture looks a little sharper than Canon and Nikon. 

◉ Part 11 銳利度-4 SHARPNESS-IV


Now we're challenging the closest focus distance of Zeiss Otus 1.4/55. Let's see how they express the details of food.

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/125s 8000K

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/125s 8000K

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 f/8 1/125s 8000K

前面看了建築物與人像,現在我們來看看食物的部份。這是我特地跑到餐廳去拍的,並且懇求他們讓我使用閃光燈。我使用了一盞Profoto B1在我的左側不到30公分的地方,並且為它上了八角柔光罩Octa。由於Nikon在相同曝光數值下,與其他兩台的亮度有明顯的差異,所以我在Canon與Sony的亮度是6.5,Nikon則是5.8,讓拍出來的畫面亮度盡量接近。

Using Profoto B2 with a OCF Softbox 2' Octa, I adjust the output of flashlight to 6.5 when I use Canon and Sony, 5.8 when I use Nikon. 


To my surprise, D810 looks more reddish in color this time, which result is totally different form the former part. Can you tell me which picture looks more delicious?

◉ Part 12 摩爾紋與偽色 MOIRÉ AND FALSE COLOR

自從Nikon D800E做了全世界第一台「移除低通濾鏡效果」的相機之後,摩爾紋與偽色這兩個過去名不見經傳的名詞突然成為了相機界有名的小知識。摩爾紋是當感光元件的排列密度與物體相近時而會產生的現象,而偽色則是拜爾式感光元件在物體緻密度與感光元件的像素相近時,計算錯誤鄰近像素的色彩所產生不存在於真實色彩的結果。很多情況下這兩種現象會同時出現。移除低通濾鏡除了會讓銳利度提升以外,但摩爾紋與偽色也會隨之產生。這裡我們要來看三台相機在拍攝相同畫面的時候,產生這兩種現象的多寡程度。

The names of moiré and false color become widely acknowledged after Nikon D800E made it to the world first DSLR without low pass filter. Moiré is a pattern that could be perceived when the density of pixel arrangement on the sensor similar to an object. False color is made by camera that miscalculate the color when the objects in the picture shows a high density of arrangement. Both of them show their appearance together for most of the time. Removing the low pass filter will not only make picture to reach its top quality, but moiré and false color would be generated at the same time. Watch the amount of moiré and false color that three camera has generated under same photo condition below.

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/400s 5500K

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/400s 5560K

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/400s 5500K


Under the same situation, Moiré and false color in 5DSR are less than D810 and A7RII. 


Let us see another example with more perceivable moiré and false color:

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/5.6 1/125s 5000K

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/5.6 1/125s 5000K

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/5.6 1/125s 5000K


In the condition of same distance and being sharp, 5DSR is more unlikely generate moiré and false color than D810 and A7RII. It is not because Canon has a special technology to reduce them,but just for it has more density in pixel arrangement. On the other hand, If moiré and false color show in the picture of 5DSR, D810 and A7RII may give you a blur result for their density in pixel arrangement couldn't in accordance with the object. Actually, that's how a low pass filter work! By making blurriness deliberately, low pass filter could prevent moiré and false color.


Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/320s WB: AWB

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/320s WB: Auto2

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/320s WB: AWB


White balance setting:
5DSR: [Ambience priority]
Nikon: [Keep warm light colors]A7RII: Auto



All cameras were set to M mode, 4000K in WB. Compare the noise from ISO1600 to their top. Long time exposure and high ISO noise reduction both turned on.

Canon 5DSR + 24-70mm f/2.8L II ISO12800 f/4 1/50s

Nikon D810 + 24-70mm f/2.8E VR ISO51200 f/4 1/320s


Sony A7RII + SEL2470Z ISO102400 f/4 1/400s

ISO1600 70mm f/4 4000K 
5DSR, A7RII: 1/10s
D810: 1/5s

ISO3200 70mm f/4 4000K 
5DSR, A7RII: 1/13s
D810: 1/20s


Details in 5DSR are gradually losing.

ISO6400 70mm f/4 4000K 
5DSR, A7RII: 1/25s
D810: 1/40s


D810 still keeps a good detail but the noise are kind of obvious when compare to A7RII. And ISO6400 is the top native ISO of 5DSR.

ISO12800 70mm f/4 4000K 
5DSR, A7RII: 1/50s
D810: 1/80s


5DSR reached its top ISO sensitivity in 12800, which is the end of native ISO of D810. Nikon's detail drops here evidently.

ISO25600 70mm f/4 4000K A7RII: 1/100s
D810: 1/160s


There's no much details in Nikon here, just like out of focus in ISO25000, which is also D810's top native ISO sensitivity.

ISO51200 70mm f/4 4000K 
A7RII: 1/200s
D810: 1/320s

A7RI ISO10240mm f/4 1/400s 4000K 



Despite the fact that 102400 is totally not a practical ISO sensitivity. It is still useful when you take a picture in a dark place. The noise level of ISO102400 is about the same as ISO25600 of D810. Which is remarkable. 

In my opinion, the A7RII's performance in high ISO sensitivity is much better than Canon and Nikon. The noise level stays the same between D810 and A7RII before ISO12800. Even though that A7RII has more resolution than D810, it could still keeps a good quality in every level.   



Other than high ISO sensitivity, look at the long exposure with low ISO is a good way as well  if we want to know the noise reduction performance from another phase. we'll check the noise in dark area of pictures under 30 second long exposure.

Canon 5DSR + 24-70mm f/2.8L IS II ISO100 f/10 30s

Nikon D810 + 24-70mm f/2.8E VR ISO100 f/10 30s

Sony A7RII + SEL2470Z ISO100 f/10 30s


I crop original JPEG files of three camera with the size of 640 x 1080 pixels. Choose a not-too-dark area of pictures for its is more noise-noticeable than purely dark area.



With turned on the long time exposure noise reduction and ISO100, three cameras still varies in the amount of noise. There are some relatively distinctive color patches which shouldn't be in the sky in picture of 5DSR, A7RII had some of them, hardly did D810.

As of the details, A7RII still a little more sharper than others. In my opinion, noises should pay the most responsibility for losing details.

低ISO拉亮 Adjust Exposure in low ISO
前面一組比較是原始的JPEG,在完全不後製的前提之下去檢視。現在我們要看的是14 bit無壓縮RAW檔進電腦調整的照片。由於我拍攝的時候是選擇RAW+JPEG,所以其實是跟前面的相片是完全相同的,只是一個是RAW一個是JPEG。

我使用Photoshop匯入三張相片,用Camera RAW將曝光補償+3EV,藉此看看畫面暗處中所藏匿的細節。有別於前面我選的是暗處中較亮的地方,這次我選的是畫面中的最暗處,這種地方不調整的話通常看不太出來裡面有雜點(因為根本是一片黑),而且這裡的亮度才夠低,禁得起我用Photoshop拉亮3EV之後還可以保持陰暗,如果我用前一組的位置,那所有照片看起來都亮晶晶的,會根本看不出來差別。


The former part was compared with original JPEG which had not processed by any software. Now we're going to see the performance of RAW. Owing to that I choose RAW + JPEG when i took the picture, so the RAW file here are that same one as the JPEG.

We used Photoshop Camera RAW to adjust exposure with +3EV to see the details hide behind the darkest area. From now on, this is the part where A7RII's V2.00 firmware makes a difference. 



Obviously, noise of 5DSR are everywhere, you even don't have to click to see the full picture. The details of Chinese glazed roof tiles(the darker part in the picture) are completely lost, covered by noise. 

As of the Nikon and Sony, I think D810 are slightly better than A7RII. You can tell the difference from the lines in the dark. 




The word "Dynamic Range" means the range between brightest and darkest area in the same picture. You can see all the details inside brightest and darkest area simultaneously if one picture's dynamic range is really high. If it's low dynamic range, the bright area will be totally white, and the dark area will be jet black. Dynamic range can easily be compared by looking with your eyes.

"Exposure Latitude" means the all the brightness information in one picture, inclusive of those you can't see. We could reveal those information hiding under dark area by adjust them with software. What we'll do here is to adjust the brightness of RAW files. To see how much details and noises hide behind the bright and dark area. 

Here's the original 0EV picture:

Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/60s 5500K

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/100s 5500K


My apology, this picture is not in exact focus, but wouldn't affect the result much. 

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/60s 5500K


這張是Nikon D810所拍,降了5EV之後,光圈不變,但快門速度從原本的1/100s變成1/3200s,非常的暗。我們要做的就是使用軟體把它拉亮。我使用的是Photoshop CC,並且在10/27更新軟體。有趣的一點是:雖然我在拍攝時機身上的白平衡設定是5500K,並且沒有做白平衡偏移,但把相片匯入Photoshop的Camera RAW之後都變成不是5500K,Canon與Nikon大約是五千多,但A7RII會變成4800K,所以我就手動再Camera RAW裡把它們標準化,拉成5500K,然後色彩偏移也歸零。避免等一下我們看色偏的時候會因為白平衡的變動而失準。


Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/2000s 5500K 
+ 5EV in Photoshop



Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/3200s 5500K 
+ 5EV in Photoshop



Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/2000s 5500K 
+ 5EV in Photoshop


然後,我們把上圖以640 x 1080裁切,來看看在拉亮之後暗部的表現,這也是許多攝影工作者最在乎的暗部寬容度表現:







Canon 5DSR + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/2s 5500K 
- 5EV in Photoshop

Nikon D810 + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/3s 5500K 
- 5EV in Photoshop

Sony A7RII + Metabones EF Mount + Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 ISO100 f/8 1/2s 5500K 
- 5EV in Photoshop



◉ Part 17 影片銳利度 VIDEO SHARPNESS


畫質的部分在者組比較不容易看得出來,但你依然可以從表演者的臉部與頭髮去分辨4K與Full HD的差異。


◉ Part 18 手震補償 SteadyShot


聽聽我的朋友陳小威為各位帶來的Fly Me To The Moon:





I personally feel very pressured when using these three cameras, since it's hard to differentiate their clarity and sharpness. It's easy to check the sharpness if your camera is at 24 megapixels or below. But in the world of 30MPs and beyond, it becomes a pain in the neck: you'll always be questioning whether you've got the sharpest image or not. Let me give you an example: 


Upper two photos are taken by 5DSR, and the two below are cropped from the upper two. Which one is sharper?




When making a comparison graph in Photoshop, I usually choose the last picture I took. The picture is totally fine when you see it on the camera screen. When you import them into Photoshop, it's always slightly different. It's sharp in the first look, but becomes blurrier the more time you view them. Originally I used the picture on the right, but gradually it became less sharp. So I remade the graph, and chose the picture on the left. Can you tell the difference? Try to look at them longer.

Using a camera with a resolution higher than 30 megapixels (especially higher than 50 MP) will seriously challenge you and your definition of sharpness. Even if you use a tripod, the vibration of a car passing through, or a not-so-strong wind blowing could easily make your picture blur. If you want to take an ultimate sharp photo, you better use a super heavy, big tripod, find a quiet place with no people for sure, and stay away from earth's fault zones to avoid earthquakes. And if possible, maybe even try to pause the earth's rotation. Just for the perfect sharpest picture.

If that's not possible, try to use a flashlight. The duration of a flash is usually much shorter than the shutter speed. And that's how the flashlight can freeze the subject when you only use the flashlight under a reasonable shutter speed.

When it comes to camera control, I think most professionals are used to Canon and Nikon, since they have been in this market over 50 years! With Canon and Nikon, there will never be a single lag when you press/roll/click any button. But Sony does, especially when you're adjusting the aperture/shutter. The numbers on the screen always can’t catchup the speed that you scroll. So it always takes more time to adjust, which is a disadvantage for professional users.

在外接配件的支援度上,這個部分依然是Canon與Nikon的天下,例如小編這次用的棚燈設備Profoto,引閃器也就只有Canon與Nikon的熱靴規格,雖然Sony也可以使用單點的Air Remote觸發,但卻不能使用高速同步與TTL,這對於戶外的攝影來說會是很大的限制。但我相信未來Sony只要持續的經營這一塊,讓更多的職業使用者加入,也必定會有越來越多的廠商推出相應的配件。

In terms of accesories, Canon and Nikon still take the lead. For example, the studio class flashlight Profoto is offered only by the Canon and Nikon TTL trigger. Even though Sony can still use its Air Remote trigger for single pin in hot shoe, but it still cannot use Sony's TTL metering and break A7RII's sync speed. However, I believe if Sony keeps making progress in their cameras, there will be more and more professional accessories to be developed. 

Canon 5DSR 





As for the sharpness, needless to say, all of these three cameras are extremely clear. I couldn’t tell which one is better, but I can tell you if you’re trying to export the biggest image, or to inspect all the details in the image, then without a doubt, you should take Canon 5DSR into the first consideration. The reason is that it does capture the biggest image when it comes to pixels, and when equipped with a high level lens, the image quality of 5DSR is indeed very close to the medium format camera.

But the effect of the ultra high pixel is comprehensive, not just in the image quality. For example, if the AF tracking is on, and there are two cameras with the same focus ability, the one with a higher pixel count is at a disadvantage because the object moves among more pixels compared to the one with a lower pixels count so that when we magnify the image to its largest possible size, the one with a higher pixel count will look more blurry. In my opinion, it’s not totally fair to say that 5DSR lost to D810 in that part. To me, they both have the same tracking performance. 

What’s more important, to cram more pixels inside one picture, we get more noise. This is also 5DSR’s death wound. When talking about the high ISO noise, noise of long exposure, latitude of long exposure and the normal latitude, 5DSR loses them all. However, these are the points a photographer would care. If my photos are coming out too dark, and I need to use an editing program to fix them, I would require a camera that offers me clean enough pictures to ensure a high standard of quality in my post production. Although Canon has launched this camera with 50 megapixels, I feel like they’re not ready.

In my opinion, if you want to get photos with as much resolution as possible, but can’t afford the professional cameras like Hasselblad or PhaseOne, and the noise in the dark or the super high ISO are not the most you care, then a 5DSR with a nice lens will meet your demand.

Nikon D810

雖然是去年的產品,但也是Nikon問鼎專業級市場的第二塊敲門磚,Nikon D810的產品定位非常明確:高畫素,並且提供ISO64這樣的低感光度,很明顯的就是為了職業的市場所設計。3630萬畫素的感光元件不但可以完整的發揮對焦系統的能力,更重要的是在雜訊的表現上也調整到很均衡的狀態。D810在本次的集評中擁有最高的寬容度,不論是-5EV拉亮,或者是在30秒的長時間曝光下的雜訊都是三台相機之最。



如果你需要的並不是超高的畫素,並不以盡可能拍攝最大的相片為依歸,而且講求暗部拉回的相片純淨度,還有畫面中的細節還原力、長時間曝光所產生的雜訊,還有電池的續航力等等,那麼Nikon D810會是個非常穩定而強大的選擇。

Though D810 is the product of 2014, but It is the second product of Nikon step into professional market. D810 has a very clear product positioning: high resolution and low ISO to make the best image quality, which is totally designed for photo expert. 3630 megapixels could not only unleash the full potential of AF system, it is a balance point between high resolution and noise reduction. D810 owns the best exposure latitude, as well as the noise performance in long exposure. 

Sony A7RII 



在暗部對焦的部分上,Canon與Nikon已經到了望塵莫及的地步。雖然這三台相機的對焦感應範圍最低都是-2EV,但我們在低光源對焦實測的部分就能看出非常明顯的差異,A7RII在這個部分可以說是完勝。其他地方像是4K錄影,4倍於Full HD的解析度也是讓C、N兩家必須要舉手投降的地方。還有一些Canon與Nikon沒有的功能例如SteadyShot,還有讓手動對焦變得輕鬆容易的峰值對焦。以及相對來說又小又輕的機身,讓這個出道沒幾年的產品線就可以對著Canon與Nikon兩大巨人叫囂。



As a "traditional" DSLR user, I couldn't accept that Sony has won a lot part. As Sony release the full frame Mirrorless camera A7, Sony sweep the whole camera market. But still hard to make professional user to move. After all, Canon and Sony are almost the synonym of professional camera. But A7RII makes me see another possibility.

Although A7RII still loses D810 in long time exposure and latitude. It is necessary that we take the noise made by 42.2 megapixels into consideration. I think the performance of A7RII and D810 in this part should be considered the same.

5DSR and D810 couldn't stand a chance to win A7RII when focusing in dim light. Although their lowest focus sensitivity are all -2EV, but it was still makes a lot difference in reality test. Other functions like 4K video could make Canon and Nikon have no choice but to surrender, SteadyShot to stabilize the image , Peaking focus to makes manual focus becomes easy, and relatively light and small body, made this new product could shout in front of the two giants.

Any market will always need a newer generation of products to surpass the ones that are currently selling. It is the only way a market can ever continue growing, just like how in 2007 Apple introduced the iPhone into the world, and redefined the age of technology. I won't say the A7RII is as important as the iPhone, but when comparing all three cameras together, the performance of the A7RII is definitely outstanding and one worth taking note of. 

Do you still remember that Sony and Nikon release the 24 megapixels A900 and D3X respectively in 2008? Everybody see A900 as a joke in that time. It's is said that these two models are adopted with same CMOS which manufactured by Sony. But Nikon D3X wins greatly not only in image quality but noise reduction. After that, Sony gives up DSLR and turns into DSLT few years later, developing NEX series and made the full frame RX1 and A7 series, gradually turn into the Sony now we know.


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英文校對與翻譯:Jenny Wu, Wendy Jeng, 薩摩耶
樂手:小威 Wayne、盧廷軒、黃茵琪
場地:Remember Me 記得我 咖啡
影片製作:Yves, Cody

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